
The school has the aim of offering overview and training of scientific communication skills and outreach in all its forms.
The school will treat communication not only with an “educative aim” but also with a “scientific aim”.
The lecturers will therefore not only present an overview of science communication from a theoretical point of view, but also will offer practical activities on abstract/paper writing and poster editing, on proposal and report drafting, and on how to improve communication to policymakers, schools and general public.
The school will consist of lectures combined with the practical application of the material covered in the lectures through lab sessions.


Hans Peter Peters ( – private scholar, former Professor of Science Journalism at the Free University of Berlin

Sam Illingworth ( – Associate Professor in Academic Practice in the Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement at Edinbugh Napier University

Daniele Tenze – Freelance Actor and Researcher

Elena Bazanova ( – Head of Foreign Languages Department and Director of Language Training and Testing Center at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Director of Academic Writing Office at the Russian University of Science and Technology (MISIS)

Chiara Saviane ( – Communication Officer and lecturer of the Master Course in Science Communication “Franco Prattico” at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)

Rita Nogherotto – Researcher at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics and freelance climate science communicator

Laura Roberts Artal – Communications Leader at Geology for Global Development and Communications Manager at Development Studies Association

Katherine  Leitzell ( – Communications Manager (IPCC)

Gemma Musacchio – Researcher and science communicator at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)

Giovanna Cultrera – Researcher and science communicator at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)



Pre-school activity: the students will prepare a poster on their research activity. The student´s will be suggested to watch some videos of SciComm and to study some material from the previous schools.

SciComm: The importance of Science Communication and communicating with general public

Poetry and science: fully interactive session, to learn how to use poetry to communicate science

Art&Science (D. Tenze): Make your science attractive to the general public & Lab

Poster Presentations: Students will present their activity by using a conference-like poster

Science and Journalism: Talk to a scientific journalist or write as a journalist …

Science and gaming: fully interactive session, to learn how to use gaming to communicate science

Paper writing: Main rules to write an excellent scientific paper

Poster preparation: Making an impact with your poster

Proposal writing: How can we get ready to write a successful scientific proposal?

Events organization: from ideation to evaluation, offering some tools for managing the whole process

Conference presentation: how making your conference presentation effective?

Poster Lab: Practice what you heard during the school and reshape your poster!

Brand development: why creating and owning your personal brand is so powerful?

Pick the victim Lab: go on the road, stop the people and tell them what you research is doing for them. Overpass your shyness!

Social media: the power of social media for science communication, education, and outreach activities

Science @ school: communicating to school children, techniques and languages

Working with school children: visit a local school to practice your outreach skills

Climate communication: climate is one of the fundamental issues of our life, how to communicate it?

Communication of risks: make the risk understandable by your audiences, implement a communication plan during and within critical contexts (lab)

Serious game for natural hazards: Role-play game, simulation of the pre-seismic meeting of the L´Aquila earthquake

Create your tool! choose a type of audience and create an effective and attractive communication tool, sing a song, make a game, film a movie, whatever your thing could be appealing for the audience you have chosen.


Science Communication School


GeoScience Communication School
